Alpe Adria Trail 2019 - Hike for childreens meal


My wife Barbara and I are going the next stages on the Alpe Adria Trail in Carinthia from Millstätter See to Faker See as a sponsoring trail for our sponsorship project in Ndanda Tanzania.
We would be happy if our hosts gave us 10 cents for the overnight stay, the dairymaids on the alpine pastures or people we met on the way and came into conversation with for every kilometer of the route. The 180 km would be € 18 per person.
Our goal is to get so much money with such events that all 600 children in the 12 kindergardens of the community in Ndanda get a meal.
Assante sana - thank you Father Julianus, the children & Thomas with Barbara.
PS. After the trail there will be a report in the Rubrick Pilgern & Reisen (on our website in July about our experiences on the way.